Here's a letter the VBA Hunting-VP, Shannon Nessselrodt wrote to the Roanoke Times to conveys VBA position on the Airbow Bills.

We have taken a position against this.  We have sent letters to both members of the House and Senate including the sponsors and co-sponsors of the Bills.  We are in the process of getting a delegation together to go and speak to the Agriculture Committee next Wednesday, February 7th.  So far, we have been snubbed by the Delegates, Mr. Edmunds in particular and the Senate.  We have had the President of the VBA and myself write letters as well as the President of the Traditional Bowhunters of Virginia.  We are against it because it is NOT a bow.  It has no limbs or string to propel and Arrow.  Calling this a BOW is like calling a sling shot an elastic pistol!  My concern is people that have never Hunted with a bow will pick this weapon up and think it is going to drop an animal like a rifle.  It is also going to make road hunting and spotlighting easier for outlaws.  The House and Senate should be concerned with the decline in Archery licenses over the last three years.  I'm afraid this is going to hurt it even more.  What's the next novelty they will allow sharpened digging irons?  We need to get back to Archery weapons being a long, recurve, compound or cross bow.